
    Thermophysical properties of silver carp meat during phase transition

    • 摘要: 为提供淡水鱼加工的热特性参数,以鲢鱼肉为对象,采用差示扫描量热仪(DSC),研究鲢鱼肉在相变区间的不可冻结含水率、冰点、表观比热和热焓,以及食盐添加量对相变区间鲢肉热特性的影响。结果表明,鲢鱼肉的熔融相变温区为-2.8~-0.4℃,不可冻结含水率为13.76%,冰点为-0.8℃,相变热焓为203.2 J/ g,表观比热峰值为84.186 J/(g·℃)。随着食盐含量的增加,鲢鱼肉的相变温区向低温方向偏移,不可冻结含水率增加,冰点呈线性降低,相变潜热减小,表观比热峰值下降。


      Abstract: In order to provide available thermophysical property parameters for fresh water fish processing, the unfreazable water, initial freezing point, apparent specific heat, enthalpy of silver carp meat and effects of NaCl content on thermophysical properties of silver carp meat during phase transition were studied by differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). Results show that the thawing phase transition range of silver carp meat, the content of unfreazable water, the initial freezing point, the latent heat and the peak value of apparent specific heat are -2.8~-0.4℃, 13.76%, -0.8℃, 203.2 J/g and 84.186 J/(g·℃), respectively. As the content of NaCl increases, the thawing phase transition range of silver carp meat shift to the lower temperature range, and the content of unfreazable water increases, while the initial freezing point decreases linearly, and latent heat and the peak value of apparent specific heat both decreases.


