
    Gas-flow fluctuation velocity within exhaust tube of pulse-jet engine

    • 摘要: 便携式烟雾机是利用脉动发动机产生的高温、高速燃气将农药雾化形成直径微小的颗粒,达到高效、环保防治林木病虫害的目的。该文建立了一套气流波动速度测试装置,利用等直径喷管中气流脉动流动特性,测定喷管不同轴向位置处的压力信号,利用同一压力信号源流过喷管不同轴向位置处,相互之间具有相关性的原理,将喷管不同位置处获得的压力信号进行相关分析。自相关分析结果表明喷管内压力信号具有典型正(余)弦信号特征,只是其中包含少许随机信号。通过互相关分析可获得喷管中两测点之间的平均压力波动速度,即气流纵波的波动速度。测试计算结果表明


      Abstract: A portable pulse fogger, in which the fog will be generated by inducing pesticide into the pulse-jet engine exhaust tube that is full of high temperature and high speed exhaust gas, can be applied in disease and insect controling in forestry, greenhouse and sanitation with the advantages of high application efficiency and low environmental pollution. A system for measuring the gas-flow fluctuation velocity was set up to obtain the pressure signals at different axial positions of exhaust tube. On the principle of correlation between pressure signals from one signal source, the correlation analysis of two pressure signals at various positions of exhaust tube had been carried out. The autocorrelation function chart showed that the pressure signals in the exhaust tube were characterized as the sinusoidal or the cosinoidal waves with a few of random signals. The average gas-flow fluctuation velocity was derived from mutual correlation analysis of two signals at two positions. The average maximal gas flow velocity obtained by this measuring system was 5883 m/s, which was 8.72 times as fast as local sonic velocity 669 m/s.


