
    Experimental study on egg biomechanics properties

    • 摘要: 本文应用弹性薄壳力学理论,推导了鸡蛋的曲率半径表达式及鸡蛋在一定均布载荷下的应力公式,并经试验验证了其结果的正确性。结果表明:鸡蛋在长径方向的抗压载荷比短径方向大;中间部位受压破裂时,沿纬线方向产生的应力比经线方向大;鸡蛋在短轴方向受压破损时,裂纹多沿长轴方向产生,约占总数的52.5%,理论分析与试验结果一致。该力学特性研究可为鸡蛋的包装、运输及相关装备的制作提供一定的理论指导。


      Abstract: Based on elastic shell theories, egg curvature formulas were deduced, the stresses of eggs under uniform load were calculated, and experiments were conducted to verify the correctness of the formula. The results show that: until rupture occurred, eggs can bear bigger loads on the poles than on the equator. At the middle points of the eggs, the stress along the longitude is less than that along the latitude, so eggs are broken more severely along the longitude. The analysis results were in accordance with the result of experiments, so it can provide theoretical references for package, produce, transportation and egg-processing equipment design of eggs.


