
    Rice pest insects and diseases diagnosis expert system based on weight self-adjustment artificial neural networks

    • 摘要: 针对水稻病虫害诊断特点,从人工智能角度出发,提出了一种基于权重自动调整的神经网络水稻病虫害的知识组织方式。文章以15种常见水稻病虫害为例,通过对病虫害症状的特点和特征进行分类、抽象和编码,构建了基于权重自动调整的BP神经网络。利用神经网络和不确定性推理技术,对实例样本进行训练学习,并将权值数据作为知识库来进行诊断,并基于这种方法构建了水稻病虫害神经网络诊断专家系统。


      Abstract: From the artificial intelligence point of view, based on the characteristics and feature interpretation of rice pest insects and diseases, a new knowledge expression method based on weight self-adjustment artificial neural networks was presented. In this paper 15 main rice diseases were selected as examples, through classifying, abstracting and coding on the characteristics and feature. The Back Propagation neural network was implemented using neural network and uncertain technology, samples were trained and the weight was regarded as knowledge base to diagnose rice diseases, and in this way rice pest insects and diseases diagnosis expert system was constructed.


