
    Mask definition and transmission processes of virtual terminal object pool based on ISO11783

    • 摘要: 该文结合当前农业机械的发展方向,介绍了ISO11783标准中第6部分虚拟终端的主要功能特点,并对它和各工作组的通讯进行了必要说明,在此基础上,给出采用XML(可扩展标记语言)技术来实现工作组对象池数据封装格式描述的方法,为各个ECU(电控单元)与虚拟终端之间的数据传输提供了所需的灵活性,而且方便了对ECU采集数据的组织和修改。此外也为总线上各设备ECU的开发提供了统一规范、方便快捷的信息处理流程,实际应用结果表明该方法可有效缩短农业机械智能化网络总线系统开发周期。


      Abstract: Combining with the development trend of agricultural machinery, the authors summarized the main features of virtual terminal(VT)(ISO 11783 Part 6) and explained the principle of its communication with other working sets essentially. Based on that, a method using XML notation to define object pool mask of each working set was described, which provides the needed flexibility for data transmission between ECUs and VT, and it can be easily used to organize and modify the acquisition data of ECUs. Moreover, a uniform and convenient information handling flow for network ECU nodes design was put forward. Application results proved that this method was effective in shortening the development cycle of intelligent network bus communication system for agricultural machinery.


