
    Extracting several functional protein from pig plasma in sequence

    • 摘要: 为了充分利用中国丰富的猪血资源,提高猪血产品经济效益和社会效益,该文以提取过程各阶段功能蛋白质含量变化为参考指标,对猪血浆中主要功能蛋白,如凝血酶、纤维蛋白原、白蛋白及免疫球蛋白等进行了连续提取,最终确立了一套切实可行的连续提取工艺:将柠檬酸钠抗凝的血浆经冻融处理,离心得到沉淀纤维蛋白原,在上清液中加入氯化钡,利用吸附法提取凝血酶后再经盐析法分离提取白蛋白及免疫球蛋白。1 L血浆可同时提得纤维蛋白原2.67 g、凝血酶粗品0.22 g(比活力为38.5 U/mg)、白蛋白31.41 g和免疫球蛋白13.8


      Abstract: For using the abundant resources and increasing the benefit of the pig blood product, the changes of protein content were used as the guideline and the main functional protein, such as albumin, immunoglobulin, fibrinogen and thrombin were extracted from pig plasma in sequence. Then a technics was established as follows: with the anticoagulant agent anticoagulation pig blood was prepared, pig plasma is obtained by centrifuge. Extracting fibrinogen with freeze-thawing method and thrombin from supernatant by absorbing test, then salt out to distill albumin and immunoglobulin. From 1 L pig plasma, about 31.41 g albumin, 13.86 g immunoglobulin, 0.22 g thrombin and 2.67 g fibrinogen are extracted. The specific activity of thrombin is 38.5 U/mg.


