
    Preliminary study on issues concerning planning of new countryside construction at county level

    • 摘要: 根据笔者多年规划工作的理论探讨和实践,结合近期参与的新农村建设规划编制工作,参考各地新农村建设规划的成果,探讨县域新农村建设规划应关注的重点内容和深度要求。提出县域新农村建设规划的重点应放在产业规划和村镇规划两个方面:产业规划要选择重点产业,确定优先领域,制定发展战略和目标,明确产业布局、关键环节和重点项目,提出实施规划的对策措施等;村镇规划应结合国情和农村实际,在村镇总体规划和村庄建设规划两个层次上展开。


      Abstract: Based on the basic theory and working experiences in the past especially recent work on the new countryside construction planning, the focus and in-depth of new countryside construction planning at the county level were studied by the authors. The planning of new countryside construction at county level should focus on the industrial developmental planning and township planning. The industrial development planning should emphasize the selection of backbone agro-industries, identify the priority areas and layout of industry, formulate developmental strategy and policy measures so as to promote the rural economic development and increase of the farmer's income. Township construction planning should be in line with Chinese actual situation and local rural realities, in line with township overall social and economic development planning. The planning includes the overall construction planning of township and residential planning of farmers' household in the village.


