
    Implementation of beef quality and safety traceability system via internet

    • 摘要: 为了让消费者购买牛肉后可以追溯到牛肉生产的全过程,实现牛肉质量安全可追溯系统的智能、快捷、实用的目标,引入“RFID+条码”技术,对肉牛及生产的牛肉进行标识,跟踪牛肉全生产过程。并设计开发了网络化牛肉可追溯系统,系统采用JSP设计面向对象的动态网页,采用My SQL设计数据库,运用B/S(浏览器/服务器)体系结构,将管理系统放在互联网上,实现了牛肉质量安全可追溯系统的网络化管理,使牛肉质量安全可追溯系统网络化、普及化。


      Abstract: In order that consumers can query about the origins of the product through all stages of production after they purchase the beef, as well as implement the intelligence, simplification and practicability of the beef quality and safety traceability system, this research introduced the RFID and bar-coding technology to keep track of all stages of the cattle and the beef. Moreover, the beef traceability system via internet has been designed. This system adopted JSP to design the Object-Oriented dynamic pages and adopted the MySQL to design the database. The B/S (Browser/Server) architecture was used to put the management system on the internet, which implemented the management of beef traceability system via Internet and made the beef traceability system be networking and popularizing.


