
    Optimization of the fermentation conditions for soybean milk wine

    • 摘要: 该文对豆乳酶解液发酵制酒的酿造工艺进行了初步的探讨,通过单因素试验、正交试验,确定出该产品的最佳生产工艺。结果表明,大豆与水1∶10制成的豆乳中加入12000 U/L的木瓜蛋白酶,pH 7.0,60℃水解6 h,水解液中接种0.15‰葡萄酵母菌,加入18%的蔗糖,用柠檬酸调发酵液pH值3.4,在25~27℃下发酵7~9 d,经陈酿后研制出的豆乳酒风味纯正,酒体丰满,口感、稳定性均较好,不仅含有大豆的营养物质,还有发酵酒的芳香,为充分利用大豆资源开辟了一条新途径。


      Abstract: The technology of fermented wine made from hydrolysate of soybean milk was preliminaryly studied. The processing technology was optimized by means of single factor and orthogonal experiments. Results show that the hydrolysate can be obtained by adding 12 000 U/L papain into the soybean milk, in which the ratio of soybean to water is 1∶10, and hydrolysising for 6 hours at 60℃ with pH value of 7.0. Subsequently, the soybean milk wine can be developed with the hydrolysate under the conditions such as adding 0.15‰ Saccharomyces cervisiae and 18% sugar, regulating pH value to 3.4 with citric acid, fermenting for 7~9 days at 25~27℃ and brewing some time. This product have excellent flavor, plentiful nutritive value, better stability. A new road for utilizing soybeans was developed.


