
    Optimization and evaluation of multi-objective crop pattern based on irrigation water resources allocation

    • 摘要: 农业系统实质是社会-生态-经济复合系统,水资源约束条件下的作物种植结构应统筹经济、社会、生态三大目标进行优化调整。针对作物种植结构调整多目标决策过程中,在数据处理、模型构建、决策者偏好等方面存在的模糊性,该文将交互式模糊多目标优化算法应用于求解作物种植结构优化调整模型,实现与决策者之间的反复协商,直至得到决策者满意的调整方案;并应用耗散结构理论和模糊数学理论,建立基于相对有序度熵的种植结构调整合理性评价模型。经实例研究验证了本文模型与方法的可行性,为可持续发展种植业研究以及灌溉水资源的合理利用提供理论依据。


      Abstract: The agriculture system is an economic and environmental compound system; consequently, the three major economic, social and environmental factors should be considered in the optimal water resources allocation along with corresponding crop pattern under the constraints of availability of land and water resources. An interactive fuzzy approach is applied to develop a sustainable crop pattern for solving multi-objective programming involving vague information related to data, model formulation, and the decision maker's preferences. Furthermore, a model of relative order degree entropy is formulated to evaluate the reasonability of crop pattern alternatives. The case shows that the optimization and evaluation models for multi-objective crop pattern presented in this paper are suitable, and can supply theoretical references for a sustainable crop pattern and irrigation water resources allocation.


