
    Experimental study on the dynamics of cutting straws based on stripping harvesting machine

    • 摘要: 割前摘脱工艺强调的是先脱后割作业,在切割茎秆时摘脱装置压倒茎秆前倾一定的角度,从实际应用出发,采用自行设计研制的测量装置,对前倾禾秆顶端的水平力和垂直力进行了测试研究,得到了禾秆前倾时水平力和垂直力的数学模型。为前倾禾秆横向输送器进行结构设计提供重要的理论依据。


      Abstract: Stripping harvesting emphasizes the operation of stripping before cutting. In the process of cutting, the stripping unit pushes the straws ahead and makes them fore rake. In this paper, a self-development measurement equipment was used to measure the horizontal force and the vertical force of the fore-raked straws, and the mathematic models of the horizontal force and the vertical force were obtained. The results can provide theoretical basis for the design of fore-raked straws cross conveyer.


