
    Experimental study on stabilization of dredged silts

    • 摘要: 采用一种成分可调的水泥系土壤固化剂对太湖清淤工程的3种代表性淤泥质土(HH-4、HH-10、LM-2)进行了固化试验,以研究太湖淤泥固化后用于路基填筑的可行性,确定固化剂各组分的质量分数,掺入固化剂的最佳质量分数以及固化土的强度变化特性。结果表明:当固化剂质量分数为6%时,3种固化土均能满足路堤填料的规范要求,但加固HH-10土样时,需要提高固化剂中A、D、F组分的质量分数。由于土样颗粒级配和化学成分的不同,HH-4固化土具有较高的早期强度,LM-2固化土具有较高的后期强度。疏浚淤泥固化并用于路基填筑,避免了淤泥的长期占地堆放,既减少了环境污染,又保护了土地资源,经济和社会效益显著。


      Abstract: Three typical kinds of dredged silts from Taihu Lake, namely HH-4, HH-10, LM-2, were stabilized by a series of cementatory soil stabilizer with adjustable ingredients. Experiments were conducted to confirm the feasibility of using the stabilized-soil as roadbase filling, and determine the content of main ingredients and optimum mixing ratio of the stabilizer and engineering properties of the stabilized-soils. Results show that the stabilized-soil can be used as roadbase filling while the mixing ratio is above 6%, but as for HH-10, the A, D, F ingredients of the stabilizer should be increased. Because of the grain size and oxides content of the soils, HH-4 stabilized-soil has a higher short-term strength and LM-2 stabilized-soil has a higher long-term strength. Application of the stabilized-silts to roadbase construction can not only prevent pollution from the dredged silts, but also save land resources, thus brings enormous benefits to the economy and society.


