复合多糖酶Viscozyme L在制备燕麦麸分离蛋白中的应用

    Application of Viscozyme L in preparation of oat bran protein isolate

    • 摘要: 以脱脂燕麦麸为原料,通过碱溶酸沉工艺制备燕麦麸分离蛋白。在传统工艺基础上增加了复合多糖酶Viscozyme L预处理过程,并通过响应面回归分析方法对预处理条件进行了优化,确定最优的工艺参数为:加酶量3.02 FBG/g,pH 4.6,温度44℃,预处理时间2.8 h。与传统工艺相比,燕麦麸蛋白的提取率由6.6%提高到56.2%,分离蛋白制品纯度由72.9%提高到81.7%。


      Abstract: Oat bran protein isolate was prepared from defatted oat bran by isoelectric precipitation of dilute alkali extract. The enzymatic pretreatment of oat bran using Viscozyme L, a kind of multi-component carbohydrase, was introduced into traditional process, and the pretreatment conditions were optimized by response surface analysis(RSA). The optimum parameters of enzymatic pretreatment are as follows: the amount of enzyme 3.02 FBG/g, pH 4.6, incubation temperature 44℃, incubation time 2.8 h. Compared with traditional process, the protein extraction rate is increased from 6.6% to 56.2%. Meanwhile, the purity of protein is increased from 72.9% to 81.7%.


