任小龙, 贾志宽, 韩清芳, 韩娟. 半干旱区模拟降雨下沟垄集雨种植对夏玉米生产影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2007, 23(10): 45-50.
    引用本文: 任小龙, 贾志宽, 韩清芳, 韩娟. 半干旱区模拟降雨下沟垄集雨种植对夏玉米生产影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2007, 23(10): 45-50.
    Ren Xiaolong, Jia Zhikuan, Han Qingfang, Han Juan. Effect of ridge and furrow rainfall harvesting planting system on production of summer corn(Zea mays L.) under simulated rainfall conditions in semi-arid areas[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2007, 23(10): 45-50.
    Citation: Ren Xiaolong, Jia Zhikuan, Han Qingfang, Han Juan. Effect of ridge and furrow rainfall harvesting planting system on production of summer corn(Zea mays L.) under simulated rainfall conditions in semi-arid areas[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2007, 23(10): 45-50.


    Effect of ridge and furrow rainfall harvesting planting system on production of summer corn(Zea mays L.) under simulated rainfall conditions in semi-arid areas

    • 摘要: 在人工模拟降雨条件下研究了不同降雨量沟垄集雨种植对夏玉米(Zea Mays L.)个体发育、生物量积累及产量的影响。结果表明,沟垄集雨种植处理后,夏玉米生育期提前,株高和叶面积显著增加(p<0.05),在230、340和440 mm降雨量下玉米总生物量比平作分别提高44.71%、28.51%和7.58%;230 mm和340 mm降雨量下,单株籽粒产量比平作分别提高了75.40%和36.70%,穗长分别增加了25.30%和16.00%,穗粒数分别增加了59.30%和29.20%,230 mm降雨量下,玉米穗粗和千粒重比平作分别增加了11.40%和10.30%;440 mm降雨量下籽粒产量与平作相比差异不明显。


      Abstract: The effects of ridge and furrow rainfall harvesting planting system(RFRHPS) in different stimulated rainfalls on summer corn(Zea mays L.) ontogenesis, cumulative biomass and yields were studied. Results showed that the growth period of RFRHPS corn was earlier than bare flat(control). The plant height and the leaf area of RFRHPS significantly increased(p<0.05). The total biomasses of RFRHPS corn were 44.71%, 28.51% and 7.58% higher than those of the control in different rainfalls(230 mm, 340 mm and 440 mm) respectively. In 230 mm and 340 mm rainfall, the grain yields per plant of RFRHPS corn were 75.40% and 36.70% higher than those of the control, respectively, the ear lengths increased by 25.30% and 16.00%, and the grain numbers per ear increased by 59.30% and 29.20%, respectively. In 230 mm rainfall, the ear width and 1000-grain weight increased by 11.4% and 10.30% than those of the control, separately; in 440 mm rainfall, there was no significant difference for the grain yield between RFRHPS and control.


