G.R. Mari, 姬长英, 周俊. 拖拉机田间行走对土壤特性及冬小麦生长的影响(英文)[J]. 农业工程学报, 2007, 23(10): 132-140.
    引用本文: G.R. Mari, 姬长英, 周俊. 拖拉机田间行走对土壤特性及冬小麦生长的影响(英文)[J]. 农业工程学报, 2007, 23(10): 132-140.
    G.R. Mari, Ji Changying, Zhou Jun. Effect of different types of tractor traffic on soil physical properties and yield of winter wheat[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2007, 23(10): 132-140.
    Citation: G.R. Mari, Ji Changying, Zhou Jun. Effect of different types of tractor traffic on soil physical properties and yield of winter wheat[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2007, 23(10): 132-140.


    Effect of different types of tractor traffic on soil physical properties and yield of winter wheat

    • 摘要: 农业机械的过度使用、密集轮作以及不适当管理等都会造成土壤压实。试验研究了拖拉机行走对土壤特性和小麦生长的影响。试验所使用的耕作机械包括轮式、履带式和手扶式三种拖拉机,分析了土壤压实对小麦生长以及土壤结构不连续性的影响。试验数据表明,土壤密度、土壤阻力以及土壤水分一般会随拖拉机行走次数增加而增大。同时,文中给出了小麦根系与秸秆间蕴涵的机理关系。试验数据还表明,小麦发芽率在显著性水平P≤0.05时,不同处理组之间无明显差异。但是,2、4、6、8、10、12、18周以及收割时的小麦秸秆高度在显著性水平P≤0.01时,各处理组之间却存在显著差异,其中轮式和手扶式拖拉机处理组高于履带式拖拉机处理组。当显著性水平分别为P≤0.05和 P≤0.01时,不同处理组的小麦根长度和密度间也存在显著差异,其中轮式和手扶式拖拉机处理组同样表现出更好的结果。总之,拖拉机行走会显著影响干物质、谷物产量等小麦生长参数。然而,作物产量不仅受土壤压实的影响,同时很大程度上也取决于天气以及土壤初始压实等因素。


      Abstract: Overuse of agricultural machinery, intensive cropping, short crop rotations and inappropriate soil management lead to soil compaction. Experiments were conducted on clay loam soil to study the effect of tractor traffic(TT) on soil properties, wheat root development and plant growth. Tractors(T) used in the experiments were wheel tractor(WT), crawler tractor(CT) and holder/ walking tractor(HT). The influence of soil compaction on wheat growth and soil structural discontinuity was discussed. Experiments showed that soil density, soil resistance, and soil moisture generally increases with the increasing of machinery passes. Possible mechanisms of wheat root-straw relations as affected by soil compaction were presented. The data on final emergence count did not show significant differences among different treatments when tested at significant level P≤0.05. However, plant heights showed significant differences at significant level P≤0.01 when they were measured at the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 18th week and the harvest time. The WT, HT produced taller plants than CT. The data of root length and density showed significant differences among different treatments at significant level P≤0.05 and P≤0.01, with WT and HT producing the high results while CT showing the lowest results. The machinery passes(MP) significantly influenced growth parameters, such as dry matter and the grain yield. However, crop yield on compacted soil largely depended on weather conditions and initial soil compactness.


