
    Effects of controlled alternative irrigation on water redistribution of root zone and yield of maize

    • 摘要: 以玉米为试验材料,在蒸渗仪测坑中,对控制性交替灌溉水分再分布规律和产量进行了研究。结果表明,跟均匀灌溉相比,交替灌水方式有助于减少土壤水分的深层渗漏和蒸发,水分利用效率明显提高;因灌水量小,降低了盐害。与均匀灌溉相比,交替灌溉在适宜的灌水量水平下,产量构成因素显示出优势性,产量增加显著,说明交替灌溉在沈阳地区是一种经济可行的灌溉方式。


      Abstract: The water redistribution and crop yield of the maize with controlled alternative irrigation were studied with the lysimeters. The results show that to compare with conventional irrigation, the soil water of controlled alternative irrigation can decrease deep percolation, and increase water use efficiency. The salinization was reduced because of irrigation amount of controlled alternative irrigation was small. The surface water content in conventional irrigation was higher than that in controlled alternative irrigation. Therefore, the soil evaporation of conventional irrigation was increased. Compared with conventional irrigation, the yield of controlled alternative irrigation was improved with the feasible irrigation amount. These results showed that the controlled alternative irrigation was a feasible irrigation pattern in Shenyang.


