
    Field study on impacts of soil water-salt distribution and winter wheat yield by different saline water combination irrigations

    • 摘要: 为了研究不同组合灌溉顺序对土壤水盐分布状况和冬小麦产量的影响,2003年-2005年在河北省中科院南皮生态试验站进行了冬小麦田间微咸水灌溉试验。通过对冬小麦主根区和100 cm深度土壤的水、盐分布状况和冬小麦产量进行分析,结果表明3 g/L的微咸水可以作为冬小麦的灌溉用水,但连续使用会导致土壤发生积盐;拔节期应尽量避免使用微咸水,且不宜连续使用微咸水进行灌溉,组合灌溉最好采用咸淡交替的方式;综合土壤的积盐状况和冬小麦产量分析,淡(拔节水)淡(抽穗水)咸(灌浆水)的组合灌溉顺序为最优方案,该研究为合理开发利用灌区地下微咸水提供了依据。


      Abstract: For the sake of analyzing the impacts on soil water-salt distribution and winter wheat yield with different combination irrigation orders, field experiments of saline water irrigation were carried out at Nanpi Ecological Experimental Station in Hebei Province from 2003~2005. Soil water-salt distribution was discussed and winter wheat yield was analyzed at the same time, the result indicated that the saline water with 3 g/L mineralization could be used as irrigation water of winter wheat, but the salt would be accumulated in the soil of taproot region and 100 cm depth; saline water irrigation should be neither continuously nor at the jointing stage, fresh-saline water alternately is the suitable method of combination irrigation; fresh-fresh-saline is the optimal mode in consideration of both the soil salt accumulation and the winter wheat yield, the study supplies a basis for reasonable exploitation and utilization of local ground saline water.


