
    Revision of fertilizer recommendation for wheat and maize rotation in Taihang piedmont of North China

    • 摘要: 采用3种肥料效应模型,分析模拟了太行山山前平原高产区冬小麦-夏玉米轮作制度下的施肥量与作物产量之间的效应关系。结果表明,采用线型+平台模型拟合,冬小麦和夏玉米生育期的最佳施氮量分别为91 kg/hm2和39.7 kg/hm2,在保证作物产量不减的情况下,比当地农民采用的传统二次型施肥模型的施氮量分别减少59%和79.7%。华北平原高产区长期过量施用氮肥,造成土壤中有不同程度的硝态氮积累,故施用基肥时,应特别注重测定田间土壤根层(0~60 cm)的硝态氮含量。通过养分平衡长期定位试验表明,该区磷肥合理施用量为P2O5 75 kg/hm2。实行冬小麦秸秆还田情况下,冬小麦季宜施用钾肥K2O 45 kg/hm2,夏玉米季可以不施钾肥。依据该文推荐的施肥指标可使冬小麦季节省肥料投资407.4元/hm2,玉米季节省肥料投资503.8元/hm2,两季作物的施肥利润均显著提高。为中国华北平原粮食高产区合理施用化肥、减少资源浪费、提高经济和生态效益提供了参考依据。


      Abstract: To improve fertilizer management in North China, long-term fertilizer experiments were conducted to test yield effects of fertilizer N, P and K, for winter wheat and summer maize, two staple crops of the region. For N fertilizer, three regression procedures were adopted to analyze crop yields response to fertilizer N. The results indicated that the linear-plateau model was the best to simulate the relationships of N response to wheat and maize yield. The optimal nitrogen fertilizers of winter wheat and summer maize were 91 kg N/hm2 and 39.7 kg N/hm2, respectively, less than 59% and 79.7% amount of the traditional fertilization——recommended by the quadratic model for this region. Before wheat and maize planting, the basal fertilizer N was decided by considering both the optimal fertilization rate and the soil nitrate(0~60 cm) content. Based on the long-term experiment for nutrient balance, P2O5 75 kg/hm2 and K2O 45 kg/hm2 should be applied before winter wheat sowing in each rotation season, and it is essential for peasants to return wheat straws back to soils. By using the indicators, 407.4 yuan/hm2 and 503.8 yuan/hm2 used for buying fertilizers would be saved during a wheat season and maize season, respectively.


