张睿, 高焕文. 中国农业机械化柴油消耗趋势分析与节能的战略措施[J]. 农业工程学报, 2007, 23(12): 280-284.
    引用本文: 张睿, 高焕文. 中国农业机械化柴油消耗趋势分析与节能的战略措施[J]. 农业工程学报, 2007, 23(12): 280-284.
    Zhang Rui, Gao Huanwen. Analysis of trend of diesel oil consumption of agricultural mechanization and energy-saving strategic measures in China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2007, 23(12): 280-284.
    Citation: Zhang Rui, Gao Huanwen. Analysis of trend of diesel oil consumption of agricultural mechanization and energy-saving strategic measures in China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2007, 23(12): 280-284.


    Analysis of trend of diesel oil consumption of agricultural mechanization and energy-saving strategic measures in China

    • 摘要: 通过对中国农业机械动力消耗和构成分析,比较国外部分国家和国内典型农场、机械化程度较高地区的动力配备,指出按目前水平发展,全面机械化农田作业动力消耗将达到8.97 kW/hm2,比合理动力配备2.25~6 kW/hm2上限高49.5%。结合农田和非农田农业机械柴油消耗现状趋势分析,按目前消耗水平发展,到2020年实现中国耕播收机械化综合水平达到70%战略目标,柴油消耗量将达到6455万t左右。根据统计数据,针对中国农业机械在2020年机械化综合水平达到70%战略目标,建立了柴油需求量的Logistic模型,通过检验拟合精度较好。据此预测结果,提出通过实施改革耕作制度、采用节能机械等有效的节能措施,到2020年实现战略目标,中国农业机械化柴油消耗量可减少到5000万t。


      Abstract: The study shows that power of per unit area in farmland work will reach 8.97 kW/hm2 if general agricultural mechanization would come true. It is 49.5% above upper limit of reasonable power(2.25~6 kW/hm2) by comparing power equipped per unit area in some foreign countries and representative farm regions in China. Estimated by current consumption level, the consumption of diesel oil will reach 64.55 million tons when agricultural mechanization level strategically reaches 70% in 2020. Aiming at the target level of agricultural mechanization, a Logistic model of diesel oil demand is developed using statistical data in this paper. The results of verifying shows that the model fits well. On the basis of the forecasting results, and through the measures of innovating traditional farming system, adopting energy-saving machines and so on, the diesel oil consumption of agricultural mechanization may decrease to 50 million tons by bringing strategic measures into effect in 2020.


