
    GIS based study on grain productivity and resources utilization efficiency at county level in China

    • 摘要: 该文通过构建生产潜力计算模型,利用GIS技术,定量计算了县域尺度的中国(台湾省除外)粮食生产潜力,以此为基础,结合收集到的全国县域尺度粮食现实产量数据,计算了中国不同地区粮食生产的资源利用效率。结果表明:中国的粮食生产潜力普遍表现为东南高于西北的空间分布格局;县域平均光合、光温、光温水、水资源、土地生产潜力依次为65.12,16.82,13.74,15.27和11.07 t/(hm2·a);县域平均光合资源、光温资源、水资源和土地资源利用效率分别为10.93%、41.43%、46.93%和65.4%,粮食生产的资源利用效率还有进一步提高的空间。中国县域之间粮食生产资源利用效率差异显著,内蒙古高原及长城沿线以及黄土高原地区为县域粮食生产资源利用效率较低的区域,西北、黄淮海、四川盆地区为资源利用效率较高的地区。


      Abstract: Based on the situation of food security and sustainable agricultural development, this research attempts to study systematically issues of potential grain productivity and resources’ utilization efficiency in China(except Taiwan province) by applying theoretical models(Agro-ecological Zone, AEZ) at county level with GIS technology. The results show that in general the potential grain productivity tends to be higher in southeast than in northeast China, and the average potential photosynthetic productivity, potential photo-temperature productivity, precipitation productivity, water resources productivity and land resources productivity is 65.12, 16.82, 13.74, 15.27 and 11.07 t/(hm2·a) respectively. The average resources utilization efficiency of photosynthetic, photo-temperature, water resources and land resources is 10.93%, 41.43%, 46.93% and 65.4%, respectively, which shows that the present grain productivity has more space to improve. The development of grain production varies significantly among the counties studied, and the utilization efficiency of agriculture resources in Inner Mongolia and Losses Plateau are lower, while in Northwest China, Huang-huai-hai Plain, Sichuan Basin the utilization efficiency of agriculture resources are higher.


