
    Construction of model for post-project profit evaluation of agricultural land consolidation

    • 摘要: 农地整理项目后效益的研究是土地整理理论及实践研究的一个重要组成部分。农地整理的实质是增加耕地面积、改善农民生活条件及生态环境,因此,可以把农地整理3大效益的评价转化为对经济产出价值、社会保障价值及生态系统服务功能价值的测算。该文在综述了学者有关土地整理效益评价的基础上,建立以货币价值为衡量标准的项目后效益评价模式,并以南京市两项目为例进行实证研究。研究结果表明,该评价模式较为全面,科学地测算农地整理项目带来的价值,所需数据资料较简单,数据量较少,评价结果可以直接做投资效益分析,也可以用于项目之间的后效益对比分析。但同时,该评价模式在对农地整理带来的价值构成方面的考虑并不十分全面,推广应用仍有待进一步改进。


      Abstract: The after-project profit evaluation of agricultural land consolidation is an important part of the study on the land consolidation theory and practice. Agricultural land consolidation plays an important role in increasing cultivated land, improving the living conditions peasants and improving ecological environment, thus the evaluation of agricultural land consolidation benefits may be changed into reckon economic value, social security value and ecosystem services value. This paper attempts to use three methods namely traditional market method multiplier method of ecosystem services value, alternative market method to reckon the economic value, ecosystem services value and social security value, and also took two agricultural land consolidation projects in Nanjing City as cases. The results indicate that this method affords foundations to evaluate comprehensive benefits of agricultural land consolidation, its advantage is need of fewer data, and the results of evaluation can be used to the analysis of investment benefit. This method can be applied much extensively such as in evaluation for benefits of region land consolidation but needs further improvement.


