
    Effects of microwave treatment on storability of postharvest cherimoya(Annona squamosa) fruits

    • 摘要: 利用微波炉对采后番荔枝果实进行处理,研究处理后果实的生理变化及贮藏寿命。结果表明:10~30 s短时微波处理延缓了果实呼吸和乙烯释放高峰的出现,对果皮多聚半乳糖醛酸酶、果胶酶的活性和细胞膜透性有一定的抑制作用,延长了贮藏寿命1~3 d;其中,20 s是最佳微波处理时间,超过30 s会产生热伤害,并诱发果实褐变。


      Abstract: The effects of microwave oven treatment on physiological activities and storage life of postharvest cherimoya (Annona squamosa) fruits were investigated. The results indicate that microwave treatments for 10~30 s decrease the fruit respiration rates and ethylene production, inhibit the activities of Pectic Enzyme(PE), Polygalacturonase(PG), and cell membrane permeability, and extend 1~3 days of the storage life. However, heat-injury associate with browning reaction appeared when fruits are treated for more than 30 s. Thus, a time of 20 s should be the optimum microwave treatment time.


