
    Landuse pattern optimization in mountainous areas at county level based on GIS

    • 摘要: 山区复杂的地形造成山区自然资源具有显著的空间分异性。以山东省栖霞市整个县域为例,构建了县域数字高程模型(DEM),应用GIS和遥感技术得到土地利用空间布局、坡度和坡向,在对县域≥0℃年均积温、年均降水量进行空间定量模拟的基础上,结合海拔高度、土壤质地、土层厚度等生态因子对县域进行了生态适宜性与敏感性分析评价。考虑区域适宜性与敏感性综合评价结果与自然资源垂直分异特征,借鉴景观格局整体优化的方法,将栖霞市划分为优化开发区、重点开发区、限制开发区和禁止开发区等4个主体功能区,并针对各功能区的特点指出了相应的发展方向及优化调控措施。研究为进行山区县域景观生态优化调控提供了一种较为精确的途径。


      Abstract: The complicated topography of mountainous area makes local natural resources obvious spatial differentiation. Taking Qixia City as a case, eco-suitability and sensitivity were analyzed at county level, based on altitude, soil texture, soil thickness and other eco-factors, after extracting landuse pattern, aspect, slope from digital elevation model (DEM), and quantitative simulating mean annual accumulated temperature (≥0℃), mean annual precipitation. Then the whole area was divided into four parts, namely: optimizing development zone, major development zone, limited development zone, and prohibited development zone according to their suitability, sensitivity and vertical heterogeneity respectively. And some corresponding developing and managing measures were put forward, finally. This research provides a precise approach for landscape ecology optimization in mountainous area at county level.


