Effect of water and nitrogen spatial coupling under alternate furrow irrigation and fertilizer placement on summer maize
摘要: 以夏玉米为研究对象进行大田试验,采用二因素四水平完全方案,随机排列,3次重复,根据玉米产量建立回归模型并对其进行解析,确定隔沟交替灌溉施肥条件下的最佳水肥配比。研究结果表明:在供试条件下水、氮对产量有明显的促进作用,而且氮素作用大于灌水作用;两因素交互作用对玉米产量的影响为正效应。供试条件下的最高产量以及相应水、氮最佳配比为:最高产量4076 kg/hm2,生育期灌水量为972 m3/hm2,施氮量为230 kg/hm2。与常规灌溉相比,节水施肥模式中的水肥耦合效应对于减少水资源浪费,提高肥料利用率具有重要的理论与实践意义。Abstract: Field experiment included furrow fertilizer placement with alternate furrow irrigation was conducted. The experiment had two factors and four levels design with three replications. The plots were randomly arrayed in field. The regression model of summer maize yield was established and optimal ratio of water and fertilization coupling under alternate and every furrow irrigation and fertilizer placement was determined. The results indicate that both water irrigation and fertilizer have pronounced effects on the maize yield under the experiment conditions, and the effect of N fertilizer application is more significantly than that of water irrigation. There are positive interactions between water, N and maize yield. The optimal ratio of water irrigation and N are 972 m3/hm2 and 230 kg/hm2, respectively, and the highest yield is 4076 kg/hm2. Compared with the traditional irrigation model, water and fertilization coupling effects of water saving and fertilization model have important theoretical and practical significance for reducing water resource waste and increasing fertilization use efficiency.
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