
    Analysis and dynamic monitoring of land use in the main stream of Tarim river valley using remote sensing

    • 摘要: 选择塔里木河干流地区1999年TM、2002年ETM+ 和2004年的ASTER遥感影像及基础背景数据,采用数据仓库技术及图属一体化和多源数据无缝集成的建库思想,实现了基础背景、遥感、专题及属性数据的入库管理;在RS、GIS及GPS等技术支撑下,通过对干流1999、2002和2004年的遥感影像信息提取及分析,揭示了应急输水后各土地类型面积变化的幅度、年变化率,以及耕地的时空变化规律。结果表明:应急输水工程实施后,干流地区的耕地、天然草地、苇地、滩涂等土地利用类型的面积急剧增长,林地、建筑用地、水域、荒草地、盐碱地等土地类型的面积均有所降低;耕地面积剧增是以植被破坏、水域面积减少为代价的,人类生产活动与自然环境矛盾加剧,生态环境日趋恶化。


      Abstract: Based on TM images in 1999, ETM+ images in 2002, ASTER images in 2004 and basic background data in the main stream of Tarim river region, technically supported by the data warehouse, the theory of spatial data and attribute data integration and the seamless integration of multi-source data, a spatial database is created to store the data about basic background data, remote sensing images, thematic data, and attribute data. By using the technologies of RS, GIS and GPS etc., land use information is obtained and analyzed in the main stream of Tarim river in 1999, 2002 and 2004. The research exposes the changing range, annual variation of land use, and the spatio-temporal changing trend of the farmland in researched area after emergent water transportation. The results show that the utilized areas of farmland, natural grassland, reed land and bottomland increased quickly in the main stream of Tarim river from 1999 to 2004, while the utilized areas of woodland, building land, water area, waste grassland, and saline land decreased correspondingly. The farmland increase at the cost of vegetation destroying and water area decreasing, which aggravates the conflict between human activity and nature environment, and deterioration of environment.


