
    Characteristics of spatio-temporal changes of soil organic matter in typical fringe in Beijing for 25 years

    • 摘要: 采用地统计学和GIS相结合的方法,研究了北京典型边缘区25 a来两个阶段(1981~2000年,2000~2006年)土壤有机质含量(SOM)的时空变异特征。研究结果表明:土地利用类型及土地利用方式的转换对土壤有机质含量产生重要影响。1981~2000年,荒草地向耕地的转换以及因灌溉设施的完善而引起水浇地面积的增加使得整个研究区域土壤有机质含量普遍增加,有机质含量平均值从9.64 g/kg增加到12.35 g/kg,增加了28%;在利益的驱使下,农户改变了土地利用方式,不再向种植粮食作物的土地追加投入,研究区域土壤有机质含量平均值由12.35 g/kg降低到11.46 g/kg(2000~2006年)。空间上,1981年土壤有机质含量自北向南逐渐降低;与1981年相比,2000年的土壤有机质含量普遍增加一个级别,增加最多的区域分布在研究区域的中部,这些区域也是土地利用类型变化明显的地方,主要是荒草地向其他农用地的转换;与2000年相比,2006年研究区域内土壤有机质含量增加的只有3个地区,并且大部分增加不显著,增幅不到1 g/kg。


      Abstract: Temporal and spatial variability characteristics of soil organic matter(SOM)content in fringe of the big city for 25-year interval (1981-2006) were evaluated using geostatistics and geographic information system(GIS). Results show that there is remarkable correlation between the land use types and SOM. From1981 to 2000, the content of SOM increased in the whole area mainly because of the transformation from virgin grass land to cultivated land and increase of irrigable land. The average content of SOM increased by 28% and increased from 9.64 g/kg to 12.35 g/kg. Then the household changed their land use way by driven of interest and do not increase additional input anymore. So the content of SOM decreased from 12.35 g/kg to 11.46 g/kg in the period of 2000-2006. The content of SOM decreased from north to south in the district in 1981. Compared with 1981, the content of SOM increased one grade generally and most in the middle of the district and in this area the land use changed most significantly in 2000. Compared with 2000, the content of SOM increased only in three districts and the increasing extent was not significant, less than 1 g/kg.


