
    Design of 4LH2 type half-feed and self-propelled peanut combine

    • 摘要: 介绍了作者研制的4LH2型半喂入自走式花生联合收获机的整机和主要工作部件的结构设计、技术性能及技术特点。设备主要包括底盘、传动系统和作业组件,整体采用侧向配置式,底盘采用450型半喂入稻麦联合收割机底盘;传动系统采用分路传动,并配有液压无级变速系统;作业组件包括扶禾装置、挖掘装置、夹持输送装置、清土装置、摘果装置、清选系统和集果系统等。试验考核和示范应用表明,该机性能稳定,作业顺畅,主要指标为:果实损失率2.3%,摘果破损率0.45%,果实清洁度99%,设备可靠性系数96.2%,各项检测指标均达到或超过该机的设计技术指标。


      Abstract: 4LH2 type half-feed and self-propelled peanut combine was developed. The paper detailed the structural design, technical performance and characteristic of the complete machine and major working parts. The combine included the parts of chassis, transmission system and working subassembly. The combine body was configured on the side position of the chassis. It employed the chassis of 450 type head-feed rice and wheat combine, driving system of which was configured in two independent ways and equipped with hydraulic continuously variable transmission system. The working subassembly contained the devices for stalk guiding, stalk clamping and conveying, clod removing, peanut picking, as well as the cleaning system and peanut collecting system, etc. Experiment and application show that the combine works stably and swimmingly. The checked indexes were listed as follows: peanut loss percent 2.3%, peanut picking broken percent 0.45%, peanut purity 99%, reliability coefficient 96.2%. All the checking indexes reached or exceed the design technical requirements.


