李 剑, 张文基, 孙 清, 朴在林. 灰尘对全玻璃真空太阳集热管热性能的影响(简报)[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(3).
    引用本文: 李 剑, 张文基, 孙 清, 朴在林. 灰尘对全玻璃真空太阳集热管热性能的影响(简报)[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(3).
    Li Jian, Moonki Jang, Sun Qing, Piao Zailin. Influence of dust on the thermal performance of all-glass evacuated solar collector tube[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(3).
    Citation: Li Jian, Moonki Jang, Sun Qing, Piao Zailin. Influence of dust on the thermal performance of all-glass evacuated solar collector tube[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(3).


    Influence of dust on the thermal performance of all-glass evacuated solar collector tube

    • 摘要: 全玻璃真空太阳集热管外部灰尘的累积会导致真空管集热性能不断降低,为了确定灰尘对全玻璃真空太阳集热管的影响,该文从累计太阳辐射与真空管连接水箱温差关系入手,首先对水平和倾斜45°安装的真空管各两根进行30d的闷晒,后对水平、倾斜管其中各一根进行除尘处理,随后将真空管分别以30°,42°,45°和50°倾斜安装,经过30 d的闷晒后,不做任何处理。研究结果表明,在相同的累计辐射下,除尘管最终得热量几乎不变,而未除尘水平、倾斜管则分别下降了0.98×104 J和5.24×104 J,各占其总得热量的2.11%和10.25%,说明灰尘对倾斜真空管影响较水平真空管更为显著;30 d闷晒后,30°,42°,45°和50°倾斜安装真空管最终得热量分别下降了13.8×104,4.91×104,5.90×104和6.22×104 J,各占初次测量总得热量的29.83%,10.99%,12.75%和11.90%,经假设检验后可知灰尘对30°安装真空管影响最为显著,其次分别为50°,45°和42°真空管。


      Abstract: The accumulation of dust will constantly lead to the decline of the thermal performance of all-glass evacuated tube. To confirm the influence of dust on the all-glass evacuated tube, the article analyzed the relationship between temperature difference and accumulation of solar radiation for different tubes in this experiment. After the horizontally and 45° placed evacuated tubes were full of water and solarized for 30 days, then placed four tubes in 30°, 42°, 45° and 50° tilt angle and cleaned the surface of each tubes after solarizing 30 days. The tested results showed that the ability of heating water was declined by the accumulation of dust. In the same accumulation of solar radiation, for the same tube of horizontally and 45° placed, the quantityies of heat were declined by 0.98×104 J and 5.24×104 J, which respectively accounted for 2.11% and 10.25% of the total quantity of heat; one month later, 30°, 42°, 45° and 50° tilt angle tubes’ quantities of heat were declined by 13.8×104, 4.91×104, 5.90×104 and 6.22×104 J, separately, which respectively accounted for 29.83%, 10.99%, 12.75% and 11.90% the total quantity of heat. The results show that the influence of dust on the evacuated tube was the most significant in 30° tilt angle, then in 50°, 45°and 42° tilt angle.


