张圣微, 雷玉平, 郑 力, 李红军, 王晓磊, 姚 琴, 赵鸿彬. 基于空间数据库和GIS的SPAC系统水分运动模型[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(4).
    引用本文: 张圣微, 雷玉平, 郑 力, 李红军, 王晓磊, 姚 琴, 赵鸿彬. 基于空间数据库和GIS的SPAC系统水分运动模型[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(4).
    Zhang Shengwei, Lei Yuping, Zheng Li, Li Hongjun, Wang Xiaolei, Yao Qin, Zhao Hongbin. SPAC system water movement model based on GIS and spatial database[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(4).
    Citation: Zhang Shengwei, Lei Yuping, Zheng Li, Li Hongjun, Wang Xiaolei, Yao Qin, Zhao Hongbin. SPAC system water movement model based on GIS and spatial database[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(4).


    SPAC system water movement model based on GIS and spatial database

    • 摘要: 农田SPAC系统水分空间变异通常较大,一维模型无法反应区域农田水分的运动和空间分布。该研究以空间数据库和组件式GIS为基础,结合适于北方平原农田水文过程的机理公式,开发出可以在ArcMAP(ESRITM)中加载的区域SPAC系统水分运动模拟工具,该工具结合GIS空间分析功能、空间数据库管理和水文过程数值模拟于一体,可以模拟计算SPAC系统水分的时空分布和运动,并提供二维或三维的输出结果。模型由多个数据处理和过程计算子模块组成,可模拟SPAC系统内土壤水分动态和蒸散量。验证表明,区域土壤水分模拟绝对误差在0.05(即体积含水量相差5%)以下的栅格点数达到总计算区域栅格数的95.61%;蒸散量验证显示,玉米生长季平均绝对误差为0.15 mm,平均相对误差为3.1%;小麦生长季平均绝对误差为0.13 mm,平均相对误差为5%。


      Abstract: The spatial variation of water in crop field soil-plant-atmosphere-continuum(SPAC) is often significant. One-dimension model could not describe the spatial distribution and movement of water accuracy. This study presents a regional SPAC water movement tool based on spatial database and ComGIS. It integrates hydrological process function that is suitable for north-China plain. This tool can be loaded in ArcMap(ESRITM) as a tool-box. The model combines spatial analyses, spatial database management and simulation of hydrological process. The results of SPAC water movement simulation can be outputted two-dimension or three-dimension. It is consisted by several submodules, also can be used for estimating evapotranspiration(ET). The validation of the model shows that the grid number absolute error bellowing 0.05 is 95.61% in regional soil moisture simulation. In wheat ET simulation the absolute error and average relative error are 0.15mm and 3.1%, respectively. In summer corn ET simulation the absolute error and average relative error are 0.13mm and 5%, respectively.


