
    Effects of level trench mulched non-textile on soil temperature and humidity

    • 摘要: 黄土高原地区水土流失严重,其中水分缺乏是制约植被成活和生长的主要因子。为了探讨新型土工材料无纺布在水土保持中的作用,采用单因素对比试验,设置3个处理,1个对照,在树木生长期内,在兰州市北山进行了不同厚度的无纺布覆盖水平沟处理和无覆盖对照处理下土壤温度和湿度的研究。结果表明:无纺布覆盖对土壤有一定的保温作用,可以调节土壤温度,缓解土壤温度的变幅,减小温度日较差,其中 500 g/m2无纺布覆盖效果最好;无纺布有细密孔眼,覆盖水平沟后充分利用了天然降雨,能提高土壤水分,覆盖较对照可以不同程度地提高土壤含水率,其中400 g/m2无纺布覆盖与对照有显著性差异,不同厚度的无纺布覆盖处理之间没有表现出显著性差异。无纺布覆盖进行水平沟造林能达到保温和节水作用,促进植被生长,对黄土高原地区坡地造林和荒山绿化具有较好的推广应用价值和实际意义。


      Abstract: Soil and water loess is very serious in the Loess Plateau. Water shortage is a key factor that restricts the vegetation survival and growth. In order to study the effect of the new mulching material, namely, non-textile, on the soil and water conservation, the soil water content and soil temperature under different level trenchs mulched non-textile treatments and CK treatment with the single factor test method during growth stage of the tree in the north mountain of Lanzhou City were analyzed. Results show that the non-textile has the function of preserving heat and soil water content. Mulching non-textile can accommodate and reduce daily range of soil temperature, and 500 g/m2 level mulched treatment is the best among different treatments. Mulched treatments can heighten soil water content to certain degrees comparing with CK treatment, but there are no significant statistics differences among different mulched levels. 400 g/m2 mulched level has a significant statistics difference effect on soil water content comparing with CK treatment. Mulched non-textile can preserve soil heat, save water and benefit the plant growth, and it has a better spread prospect in foresting the sloping field and greening the wild region in the Loess Plateau.


