
    Analysis of adverse effects on maize yield decrease resulted from plastic film mulching in dryland

    • 摘要: 通过对地膜覆盖导致旱地玉米减产的实例分析表明,覆膜处理提高了土壤温度,生育期明显提前,但在玉米抽雄前后遭受了重伏旱,影响了玉米正常授粉,最终导致玉米严重减产,连续两年减产率分别为73.6%和12.9%。试验区地膜覆盖玉米在抽雄前后受重伏旱的频率为15.9%,可能受“卡脖旱”而导致减产的后果不容忽视,因此在半干旱地区应根据具体条件来合理选择和应用地膜覆盖。


      Abstract: Field experiments were carried out to analyze the reasons for maize yield decrease under plastic film mulching conditon. The results show that plastic film mulching significantly increases soil temperature, promotes maize growth and significantly speeds up phenostages of maize. However, maize was encountered with serious summer drought at the heading stage. The normal pollination of maize was affected seriously, which resulted in the decrease of maize yield. Maize yields with plastic film mulching were 73.6% and 12.9% lower than that of open-ground planting for two consecutive years. The frequency of serious summer drought was 15.9% at the maize heading stage in experiment area, which might resulted in maize yield decrease. These facts should not be ignored and need investigating. So plastic film mulching should be rationally chosen and applied in semi-arid areas according to concrete conditions.


