
    Effects of embedding immobilized photosynthetic bacteria cells on hydrogen production capacity

    • 摘要: 研究了不同包埋材料的包埋法固定化光合细菌的产氢能力,结果表明琼脂、海藻酸钠、PVA-硼酸固定光合菌体对光合细菌的产氢量、产氢速率、比产氢速率都有不同程度的提高,海藻酸钠固定化光合菌体对产氢最为有利,比游离态产氢量提高15%~40%,平均产氢速率是游离态产氢速率的1.37倍;琼脂次之,比游离态产氢量提高8%~15%; PVA-硼酸包埋光合细菌产氢能力在前3天内有较好的效果,但随着时间的延长反而不及游离态状态下产氢,72 h以内的产氢量比游离态产氢量提高10%~20%。聚丙烯酰胺包埋光合细菌的产氢量还不到游离态产氢量的60%,所以聚丙烯酰胺不适宜作为光合细菌产氢时的包埋材料。


      Abstract: Hydrogen production capacity of immobilized photosynthetic bacteria (PSB) cells using embedding methods was experimentally investigated. The results indicate that agar, alginate and PVA-borate immobilized PSB cells made different improvements to hydrogen production, velocity and volume proportion. Among these embedding materials, alginate immobilized PSB cell was the best to produce hydrogen. Compared with the free PSB cells,the hydrogen production of alginate immobilized PSB cells increased by 15%~40%, average velocity of hydrogen production is the 1.37 times as much as free PSB cells; Followed by agar,the hydrogen production increased by 8%~15%; The hydrogen production of PVA-borate immobilized PSB cells had better effect in the first three days and increased by 10%~20% during the first 72 hours. However, the hydrogen production capacity of polyacrylamide immobilized PSB cells decreased and failed to reach that of the free PSB cells with the increase of time, whose hydrogen production was lower than that of 60% of the free PSB cells, so polyacrylamide is not fit for being used as a embedding material to produce hydrogen.


