时连辉, 张志国., 刘登民, 李文清, 贾 文, 鲍仁蕾. 菇渣和泥炭基质理化特性比较及其调节[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(4).
    引用本文: 时连辉, 张志国., 刘登民, 李文清, 贾 文, 鲍仁蕾. 菇渣和泥炭基质理化特性比较及其调节[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(4).
    Shi Lianhui, Zhang Zhiguo, Liu Dengmin, Li Wenqing, Jia Wen, Bao Renlei. Comparison of physiochemical properties between spent mushroom compost and peat substrate and adjustment[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(4).
    Citation: Shi Lianhui, Zhang Zhiguo, Liu Dengmin, Li Wenqing, Jia Wen, Bao Renlei. Comparison of physiochemical properties between spent mushroom compost and peat substrate and adjustment[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(4).


    Comparison of physiochemical properties between spent mushroom compost and peat substrate and adjustment

    • 摘要: 为了研究菇渣作为泥炭替代物的可行性,该试验比较了菇渣与泥炭的理化性状,并对菇渣生长障碍因素进行了分析和调节。结果表明:菇渣大粒径较多,透气透水性较好,持水孔隙比泥炭少,浇水需量少次数多,但失水速率比泥炭慢;菇渣毛管水上升速率快,加湿润剂对其作用不明显;菇渣水分特征曲线与泥炭相似;菇渣保肥性能较弱,需要增加施肥次数;菇渣EC值偏高,而泥炭较低,可通过与泥炭按一定比例混合或淋洗方式降低菇渣的EC值;菇渣pH值偏高,可以通过添加硫磺粉、稀硫酸以及与泥炭等低pH值材料混合的措施解决。菇渣经过适当调节及变换一些管理措施,在无土栽培中可以部分替代泥炭。


      Abstract: To study the feasibility of spent mushroom compost and peat substitute, the physi-chemical properties of the peat and spent mushroom compost were compared, and growth barrier factors of spent mushroom compost were analyzed and adjusted. The results indicate that spent mushroom compost has more larger-size particles, more air pores, better permeability, less water-holding pores than peat. So it need less water volume and more times, but it’s water losing rate is lower than peat. The velocity of capillary water upward movement of spent mushroom compost is higher than peat, and the effect of wetting agent on spent mushroom compost is not significant. Spent mushroom compost has similar moisture retention curves with peat. The nutrient retention property of spent mushroom compost is lower than that of peat, so the frequency of fertilization need to be increased. Electronic conductivity value of spent mushroom compost is high, but the one of peat is low, so the EC value of the former can be adjusted by mixing with peat in proper proportion or washing with water. pH value of spent mushroom compost is high, but it can be lowered by adding sulfur powder as well as dilute sulfuric acid or mixing with peat. If spent mushroom compost is properly adjusted and some management measures are changed, it can act as the part of peat substitute in soilless culture.


