任丽梅, 贺 琪, 李国学, 路 鹏, 李春萍. 氢氧化镁和磷酸混合添加剂在模拟堆肥中的保氮效果研究及其经济效益分析(简报)[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(4).
    引用本文: 任丽梅, 贺 琪, 李国学, 路 鹏, 李春萍. 氢氧化镁和磷酸混合添加剂在模拟堆肥中的保氮效果研究及其经济效益分析(简报)[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(4).
    Ren Limei, He Qi, Li Guoxue, Lu Peng, Li Chunping. Effect of Mg(OH)2 and H3PO4 amendments on nitrogen conservation during simulated aerobic composting and its benefit analyses[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(4).
    Citation: Ren Limei, He Qi, Li Guoxue, Lu Peng, Li Chunping. Effect of Mg(OH)2 and H3PO4 amendments on nitrogen conservation during simulated aerobic composting and its benefit analyses[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(4).


    Effect of Mg(OH)2 and H3PO4 amendments on nitrogen conservation during simulated aerobic composting and its benefit analyses

    • 摘要: 通过模拟堆肥试验,研究了3种配比的氢氧化镁、磷酸和水的混合物在不同添加量时的氨氮固定效果和效益。结果表明,试验所有配比氢氧化镁与磷酸混合物都适合作为堆肥化过程中的氮素损失原位固定剂,氮素固定效果随混合物中的磷酸含量和混合物投加量的增加而增加,固定率最低达73.1%,最高可达97%以上;固定剂的养分提升效应和经济效益分析表明,质量比为Mg(OH)2︰H3PO4︰H2O=2.6︰17.7︰79.7的添加剂可以产生较好的养分提升效应,但只有在添加量小的情况下可产生正的经济效益;Mg(OH)2︰H3PO4︰H2O=2.7︰9.2︰88.1的添加剂养分增加量最小,但每种添加量都可以产生正的经济效益;质量比为Mg(OH)2︰H3PO4︰H2O=2.7︰13.85︰83.8的添加剂的效果居于前两者之间。综上分析,该研究筛选出的几种固定剂效果较好,在实际应用时,应根据堆肥化不同阶段的氮素变化规律选用不同的固定剂会产生更佳的效果。


      Abstract: The objectives of this study are to evaluate the effects of different dosages and proportions of Mg(OH)2 and H3PO4 amendments on nitrogen conservation during simulated composting in laboratory. Ammonia volatilization was greatly reduced, ranging from 73.1% to 97%, and the nitrogen fixation ratio was improved with the increase of dosages and the proportion of H3PO4 of amendments. At the same time, the MgNH4PO4 could be formed during the process. The nitrogen conservation effect of the amendment of Mg(OH)2 : H3PO4 : H2O = 2.6:17.7:79.7 was the best. According to the analysis of benefit produced by the amendments, appropriate dosages could produce good benefit in practical application. As a result, several kinds of treatments were proposed to be the suitable amendments for reducing NH3 loss and improving the value of compost product during composting.


