
    Optimization of the technology for applying transglutaminase to produce artificial plump beef

    • 摘要: 为了提高牛肉肌肉脂肪含量,利用谷氨酰胺转胺酶(TG)能使肌肉蛋白相互交联的特性,选择适宜的TG添加方式和添加量,在不影响人造肥牛脂肪乳化稳定性与保证酶活力的情况下,把脂肪注入到肌内脂肪沉积不好的牛肉中;同时处理注射后的牛肉表面,使表面蛋白交联,进一步减少注入脂肪的流失。结果表明:在人造肥牛脂肪乳化结束后添加TG,添加量0.8%,注射与添加TG时间间隔以不超过1 h为宜;以TG、NaCl、多聚磷酸盐为表面处理材料,采用L9(34)正交表设计确定三因素最佳组合为:TG 0.28%、NaCl 0.4%、多聚磷酸盐0.09%。


      Abstract: Transglutaminase(TG) has the cross-linking characteristics. In order to increase fat content in beef muscle, appropriate method and content of TG addition were chosen and the artificial beef fat was injected into beef that fat did not deposit well under the condition that the stability of artificial beef fat and activity of enzyme were not affected. At the same time, the surface of beef was treated with TG, NaCl and polyphosphate, in order to bind the protein on the surface of beef and reduce the fat outflow. When 0.8% TG(of total emulsion) was put into beef fat after ripening before injecting and interval between adding TG and injecting fat was not longer than 1 h, a high fat binding rate was obtained. The three optimized factors were determined according to orthogonal experimental results as follows: TG 0.28%, NaCl 0.4% and Phosphate 0.09%.


