
    Rocky desertification in Guangxi karst mountainous area: its tendency, formation causes and rehabilitation

    • 摘要: 该文利用Landsat TM/ETM数字影像,监测了20世纪80年代中后期到90年代末期广西喀斯特山区土地石漠化的时空格局特征与规律,分析了形成土地石漠化的原因,并通过构建系列模型,量度了不同因子对土地石漠化发展的作用方向与作用强度,得出一些新的结论。认为石漠化地区的生态建设应与农村扶贫开发统筹考虑,立足于发挥地区比较优势、大力推进综合开发,培值乡村替代产业,实现生态环境建设与农村扶贫开发“双赢”目标。研究结论对广西乃至中国西南岩溶地区的扶贫开发、生态恢复与重建有重要参考价值。关键词:广西;石漠化;态势;成因;治理


      Abstract: By using Landsat TM/ETM digital images, the temporal-spatial structure characteristics and developing principle of rocky desertification in Guangxi karst mountainous areas were monitored from mid-1980s to later 1990s. The formation causes of rocky desertification are discussed. Serials of model are introduced to measure the influential direction and intensification of different rock desertification factors in the case area and some new conclusions approached. In order to harmonize the economy development and eco-environment optimization in the rocky desertification mountainous region, the eco-system rehabilitation and anti-poverty exploitation should be considered as a whole. To develop industries with comparable advantages, promote integrative exploitation, foster eco-friendly rural economy, and involve all the society into ecological environment reconstruction are some highly suggested strategies for ecologically rehabilitation of the rocky desertification. The research results can be used for reference of rural development and ecological restoration in Guangxi and south-east karst regions in China.


