
    Intensive reproduction system for Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) larvae and fingering

    • 摘要: 以满足中华鲟苗种培育关键生态要素为依据,研制出中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis. Gray)苗种集约化生产系统,实现了中华鲟幼鲟的批量生产。该系统由生产主设施系统和配套设施系统构成,其中主设施包括4种不同规格养殖池共2534.8m2及授精和孵化设施;配套设施系统包括亲鲟运输车、供水及水处理、增氧、保温升温、饵料供应及其它辅助设施。该系统鱼池采用不同的池型、建筑材料和制作工艺以适应苗种不同发育阶段生态要求,水温可调控,进排水方式可灵活调节,自流式排污,保证了池水的不同流态及良好稳定的水环境。该系统4个月可催产中华鲟亲鲟16尾以上,孵化166.4万粒中华鲟受精卵,抚育235.5万尾1~15日龄仔鱼,培育全长10~15 cm稚鱼31.31万尾。该系统的设施具有较好通用性,也适用于其它鱼类特别是珍稀名贵鱼类苗种的集约化批量生产。


      Abstract: Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) is an adromous fish. In order to protect species, artificial reproduction of it has been caught out, and by now the intensive reproduction has been achieved. Intensive reproduction system for Chinese sturgeon fry is composed of primary and assistant system. The former includes four breeding ponds of different sizes with a total area of 2902.3 m2, fertilization and hatch equipment. The later consists of transportation vehicle for parent fish, system of providing and disposing water, offering oxygen, maintaining and raising temperature, offering feed, and so on. This system needs little investment, has good harmonization and is convenient to operate. Fish ponds are made of different construction materials and techniques with different shapes to meet ecological demands for larvae and fingerlings at different development stages. The water temperature and the pattern of infall and discharge can be adjusted conveniently with automatic draining contamination, which provides the culture ponds with different flow patterns, good and stable water environment. The system can induce more than 16 parent fish to spawn in single one season, hatch 1.664×106 fertilized eggs and culture 2.355×106 larvae of 1~15 days old and 0.4233×106 fingerlings with 10~15 cm in total length, which can achieve the complete process of reproducing Chinese sturgeon. The system is the same with intensive reproduction and larger scale breeding of fingerling for other fishes.


