顾世祥, 何大明, 李远华, 崔远来, 谢先红. 怒江干旱河谷灌溉定额变化趋势分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(7): 54-59.
    引用本文: 顾世祥, 何大明, 李远华, 崔远来, 谢先红. 怒江干旱河谷灌溉定额变化趋势分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(7): 54-59.
    Gu Shixiang, He Daming, Li Yuanhua, Cui Yuanlai, Xie Xianhong. Analysis of the change trend of agriculture irrigation quota in Nujiang dry-arid valley[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(7): 54-59.
    Citation: Gu Shixiang, He Daming, Li Yuanhua, Cui Yuanlai, Xie Xianhong. Analysis of the change trend of agriculture irrigation quota in Nujiang dry-arid valley[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(7): 54-59.


    Analysis of the change trend of agriculture irrigation quota in Nujiang dry-arid valley

    • 摘要: 利用福贡、潞江坝、孟定等3个站1960~2000年逐月气象数据及作物种植、农业耕作等资料,采用Mann-Kendall法和R/S分析法研究了怒江干旱河谷区近40年来的干湿变化及农业灌溉定额的转折变化趋势。结果表明,怒江河谷内降水增多、气温下降、年ET0有增有减,但整个河谷朝湿润化演变;水稻灌溉定额和农业综合灌溉定额大多呈减少趋势,只有潞江坝的水稻例外。怒江河谷内气象因子、干湿指数的转折点在20世纪70~90年代初都出现过,但ET0、水稻灌溉定额、农业综合灌溉定额没有转折变化。进一步分析发现了福贡、潞江坝站ET0变化的“蒸发悖论”现象,反映出西南纵向岭谷区受特殊地理环境的作用下,呈现气候环境和灌溉定额变化趋势的复杂性。


      Abstract: Based on the monthly climate records of Fugong, Lujiangba, and mengding stations in the period from 1960 to 2000, as well as crop pattern and cultivate data in 2000, Mann-Kendall test and the Rescaled Range Analysis R/S) method was adopted, to research the turning changes trend of dry and wet index and agriculture irrigation quota in Nujiang dry-arid valley in recent 40 years. The result shows that temperature decreases, precipitation increases, ET0 fluctuation change, and more humidity in Nujiang valley. Furthermore, paddy irrigation quota and total agriculture irrigation quota in most area decreases, except paddy irrigation in Lujiangba. The turn point of dry and wet index in Nujiang basin was present to the beginning of 1970’s~1990’s, but evapotranspiration, paddy irrigation quota, and total agriculture irrigation quota does not show the turn point. The farther research discovered the evaporation paradox phenomenon at Fugong and Lujiangba stations. All of those reveal the complicated changes of climatic and agriculture irrigation quota in Nujiang valley, due to geographical and environmental influence in the Longitudinal Range Gorge Region of southwest China.


