
    Linkage of evaluation index system for cultivated land fertility evaluation in plain and hill regions

    • 摘要: 耕地资源是粮食生产的重要基础,中国人多地少,科学地评价耕地质量对中国经济社会全面协调发展具有十分重要的意义。由于不同区域间自然和社会经济因素的巨大差异,目前耕地地力评价工作中,不同地区往往采用不同的评价指标体系,使评价结果难有可比性,给耕地的利用管理和保护工作带来不便。该文以山东茌平县和章丘市为代表样区,对平原区和丘陵区耕地地力评价及其指标体系的衔接进行分析研究。通过比较不同指标体系的评价结果,建立了相互转化的线性模型,实现了评价结果的统一可比性;为消除不同评价指标体系之间的差异,该文尝试建立统一的评价指标体系,在保证与原有评价结果一致的前提下,基本实现了不同地貌区域内耕地质量评价结果的统一。


      Abstract: Cultivated land is vital for food production. China has a large population and limited arable land, therefore, scientific evaluation for cultivated land quality is important for coordinating economic and social development. Because of variability of natural and economic characteristics in different areas, current evaluation on cultivated land fertility adopts different evaluation index systems, these lead to incompatibility of evaluation results and discommodity for utilization, management and protection of cultivated land. In the case of Chiping and Zhangqiu counties, we carried out cultivated land fertility evaluation in plain and hill regions, and operated the linkage of their index systems. Based on comparison of evaluation results obtained from different index systems, a linear model was established to transform index between results and it facilitated comparability of different evaluation results. In addition, in order to avoid the diversity of different index systems, a uniform evaluation index system was established so as to get the comparable evaluation results in different topographical regions, consistent with their original results.


