冯 谦, 王 冠, 王 芳. 桑枝屑的干燥方法与干燥机理研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(7): 264-268.
    引用本文: 冯 谦, 王 冠, 王 芳. 桑枝屑的干燥方法与干燥机理研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(7): 264-268.
    Feng Qian, Wang Guan, Wang Fang. Methods and mechanism for drying scraps mulberry[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(7): 264-268.
    Citation: Feng Qian, Wang Guan, Wang Fang. Methods and mechanism for drying scraps mulberry[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(7): 264-268.


    Methods and mechanism for drying scraps mulberry

    • 摘要: 为更有效地利用巨大而宝贵的桑枝资源,该文针对桑枝屑工厂化生产利用中需对物料进行抽样并快速检测其含水率的要求,依据烘干失重的测试原理,比较了桑枝屑的高温真空干燥方法和微波干燥方法。着重考察了物料初始重量、初始含水率、温度、真空度以及时间等工艺参数对干燥结果的影响。试验表明,无论采用哪种方法,物料的干燥曲线大致为预热、恒速、减速干燥3个阶段;在高温真空干燥中,温度较真空度对干燥速度的影响更为明显;在微波干燥中,微波功率对干燥速度的影响较大;微波干燥方法具有干燥速度快、对物料含水率检测更准确等优点。


      Abstract: In this paper, high temperature vacuum drying technique and microwave drying technique were compared in order to fast detect the moisture content of Scraps Mulberry, which was supposed to be the greater usage of natural resources. The research stressed on the effects of technological parameters such as initial weight and moisture content, temperature, vacuum, time, on drying results. Experimental results show that the drying curves of materials roughly include three stages of pre-heating, constant rate drying and retarded drying. In high temperature vacuum drying, temperature affects the drying speed more noticeably than vacuum. As a result, many advantages of microwave drying were found in this research, for example, rapid drying, precise detection of moisture content, extensive applicability to moisture, flexible usage of energy, etc. With the development of fast detecting moisture content of materials, microwave drying is expected to be the optimal detective method.


