
    Research progress in the effects of drying on feeding maize and processing quality

    • 摘要: 玉米是重要的粮食作物,不仅是推动畜牧业发展所不可缺少的能量饲料,而且是生产淀粉和酒精的重要原料。干燥是玉米安全贮藏的保证,但是不当的干燥却会对玉米的饲用品质和加工品质造成影响。该文报道了干燥对玉米中氨基酸的消化及玉米加工中淀粉得率、淀粉纯度、淀粉性能、胚芽油得率等评价玉米饲用品质和加工品质的关键指标所造成影响的国内外研究现状;介绍了现有的研究方法和检测仪器;结合玉米的种植及深加工发展趋势,对进一步研究提出了一些建议和意见。


      Abstract: Corn is an important crop. It is not only essential for stock raising as energy food, but also very important raw material for starch and alcohol industry. Drying is vital for corn safe storage. However, unsuitable drying can decrease its feeding and processing quality. Firstly, the research status both at home and abroad about the effect of corn drying on its amino acid digestion, gain of starch, purity of starch, property of starch and gain of germ oil ect., which are the key indices for corn feeding and processing quality evaluation, were introduced. Secondly, the research methods and detecting instrument were summarized. Lastly, new drying technologies for increasing the drying quality of corn were also introduced and some advice for future research was given according to the planting and processing trends of corn.


