张 丽, 李丽娟, 梁丽乔, 李九一, 姜德娟, 胥铭兴, 宋文献. 流域生态需水的理论及计算研究进展[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(7): 307-312.
    引用本文: 张 丽, 李丽娟, 梁丽乔, 李九一, 姜德娟, 胥铭兴, 宋文献. 流域生态需水的理论及计算研究进展[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(7): 307-312.
    Zhang Li, Li Lijuan, Liang Liqiao, Li Jiuyi, Jiang Dejuan, Xu Mingxing, Song Wenxian. Progress on the research of theory and calculation method of ecological water requirement[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(7): 307-312.
    Citation: Zhang Li, Li Lijuan, Liang Liqiao, Li Jiuyi, Jiang Dejuan, Xu Mingxing, Song Wenxian. Progress on the research of theory and calculation method of ecological water requirement[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(7): 307-312.


    Progress on the research of theory and calculation method of ecological water requirement

    • 摘要: 生态需水是生态水文学的重要研究内容之一。该文分析了生态需水国内外研究进展,在辨识生态需水及其相关概念的基础上,该文认为广义的生态需水是在一定生态目标下,维持相应时空范围内生态系统水分平衡所需要的总水量,而狭义的生态需水是一定的生态目标下,为维持生态系统正常生态与环境功能所需要补充的径流性水资源量。生态需水研究涉及陆地和水域生态系统,该文重点探讨了河流、湿地湖泊等水域生态系统以及陆地植被(包含农田)生态需水理论研究现状,综述了个生态系统生态需水主要计算方法。生态需水研究应加强基础理论研究、生态需水量化方法以及耦合方法研究,尤其是不同生态系统目标下生态需水量的分析还需进一步探讨。


      Abstract: Ecological water requirement is an important research content of ecological hydrology. Progress on the research of ecological water requirement was analyzed. According to the concept and relative concept of ecological water requirement, generalized and narrow concepts of ecological water requirement were defined. Generalized concept of ecological water requirement is the total water amount that ecosystem require to keep the balance of water resource under the certain ecological targets; while narrow concept of ecological water requirement is the runoff that ecosystem consume to maintain the ecological and environmental function of ecosystem. Ecological water requirement of land and water ecosystem have been researched. Theory and calculated method of ecological water requirement of river system, vegetation system including farmland, wetland and lake system were stated and summarized. The further researches of ecological water requirement should be focused on the basic theory research, quantitative method and coupling method of ecological water requirement. Ecological water requirement for the different targets of ecosystem protection should be mainly discussed for the further study.


