
    Piping model in a CAD system for the design and application of drip irrigation system

    • 摘要: 分析了滴灌系统田间管网布置的特点,提出了用于滴灌系统CAD的管网布置模型,并借助通用软件包二次开发的方法,建立了基于这一模型的管网布置算法(PIPE算法)。该算法包含了管网逻辑单元的移位、求交、属性数据操作等基本特征。应用该模型及相应的算法,可以在CAD支撑软件中完成灌溉管网的CAD二次编程,从而生成可定制的可视化人机交互环境,实现滴灌管网各种形式的快速布置,提高滴灌系统规划设计的效率。该研究结果对其他灌溉方式管网布置也具有一定的借鉴作用。


      Abstract: The characteristics of pipe network for drip irrigation system are analyzed. A computer model for the design of pipeline drip irrigation system is presented. Based on the extended application of AutoCAD software, a new numerical method, namely PIPE algorithm, is introduced, which contains translocation, intersection, attribute data operation, and other basic features. Using the model and the PIPE algorithm, various forms of pipe network can be set rapidly. The results demonstrate that the model is effective, and can be used to direct developing of computer-aided software for other irrigation system.


