
    Salt transfer law for cotton field with drip irrigation under the plastic mulch in Xinjiang Region

    • 摘要: 该文主要从不同生育阶段和滴灌年限、不同方向(垂直和水平)、不同土壤质地三个方面对膜下滴灌盐分的运移进行了分析比对,初步得出:随着生育期的推后,各土层含盐量都有不同程度的加大;垂直方向盐分的积累在0~60 cm土层逐渐增加,60~100 cm土层盐分积累受膜下滴灌影响较小;水平方向背行(露地部分)中央土层处盐分积累最多,滴头处盐分积累最少;对于不同土壤质地,壤土中的盐分分布较黏土中的呈更规律的变化;不同滴灌年限中滴灌年限越长,棉田中的盐分积累就越多。


      Abstract: Salt transfer law for cotton field with drip irrigation under the plastic mulch in Xinjiang was analysed from three aspects: different postemergences and drip irrigation years, from different direction (vertical direction and horizontal direction), different soil texture. The results show that with the retardation of postemergences, the cummulation of salt in different soil layers increase in different extent. The accumulation of salt in vertical direction increase at the soil layers from 0 to 60 cm, but the one at the soil layers from 60 to 100 cm change a little. The accumulation of salt in horizontal direction at the center of open ground is more than any other position and the one under the drop point is least. As for different soil texture, the variation of salt accumulation in loam is more regular than that in the clay. The longer drip irrigation years, the more the accumulation of salt in cotton field.


