
    Simulation of crop yield for different spacing of drainage ditches by using DRAINMOD model

    • 摘要: 农田排水工程在防御涝渍灾害、促进农作物正常生长和改善田间耕作管理等方面起着积极的作用,通过合理的排水工程来减轻或消除涝渍灾害的影响是提高产量的主要途径。DRAINMOD模型适用于地下水位管理系统及地下排水水位和产量变化。该文结合淮北平原砂姜黑土地区实测土壤、气象、作物等资料,用DRAINMOD模型进行长序列模拟,得到不同排水管间距对作物产量的影响,结果表明,对于冬小麦来说,排水间距的大小对其相对产量的影响较小,棉花生长期出现涝渍的概率超过50%,若排水间距大于40 m,相对产量下降明显,在该试验区地下排水系统的设计应以棉花的设计指标作为设计参数,用于指导排水工程的设计。


      Abstract: Farmland drainage works play an active role in preventing water-logging disasters, promoting crop growth, improving the management of farming fields. Reasonable drainage works may reduce or eliminate the impact of water-logging disasters, and it is the main way to increase crop production. DRAINMOD model can be used in the water table management system to simulate the subsurface drain flow and crop yield. Based in the datum of Shajiang black soil, weather, crops, and other information measured in the Huaibei Plain, DRAINMOD model was run for a long sequence in the simulation of crop yields for different drain spacing. The results show that the effect of spacing of drainage ditches on winter wheat’s relative yield is smaller. In the period of cotton growing, the probability of water-logging more than 50 percent, if the drainage ditches distance greater than 40 m, the relative yield of cotton declined significantly. In order to guide the design of drainage works, the design parameters of underground drainage system in this area should be designed according to the cotton’s design index.


