
    Investigation on the state and prevention of artificial soil erosion in Jiangxi Province

    • 摘要: 为了给江西省各级政府开展人为水土流失防治提供基础数据,该研究在江西省范围内采用地面观测和调查监测相结合的方法,对江西省开发建设项目产生的人为水土流失进行调查研究,摸清了该省开发建设项目造成的水土流失面积及其分布,估算了该省不同类型开发建设项目水土流失量情况。并从不同类型开发建设项目出发提出了开发建设项目水土流失防治的建议。


      Abstract: In order to offer basic data for all levels governments in Jiangxi province to prevention soil erosion, the situation of atificial soil erosion resulted by different development and construction projects. was investigated by the method of combining ground observation and survey monitoring. The area and distribution situation of soil erosion resulted by different development and construction projects were got and the amount of soil erosion was estimated. Some suggestions on the prevention of soil erosion resulted by different development and construction projects was put forward.


