
    Voltage and reactive power optimization algorithm incorporating off-load tap changer transformer in distribution systems

    • 摘要: 结合中国10 kV配电系统结构和运行特征,提出了计及配电变压器无载调压分头位置的配电线路无功运行优化数学模型。根据配电变压器分接头位置只能在特定时期无载调节的特点,将实际配电负荷等值为多时段动态负荷。由该优化模型可以求得能够适应各时段负荷变化的最佳变压器分头位置和各时段最佳无功补偿容量及运行电压。介绍了采用遗传算法求解以网损最小为目标的该优化模型的主要步骤和处理方法,用实际10 kV配电线路的仿真计算验证了在电压/无功优化模型中计及无载调压分头位置优化必要性和可行性。


      Abstract: Combining the 10 kV distribution system structure and operational feature, a voltage and reactive power optimization model incorporating no-load variable transformer in distribution systems is proposed. According to the tap ratios of off-load tap changer transformer can be adjusted in special time, the actual load are equal to multi-stage dynamic load. This model can provide the optimal tap ratios of transformers adapting the whole segment, optimal capacitance and running voltage in several segments. Genetic algorithm is adopted to solve voltage and reactive power optimization model with the least net loss as objective function. It is introduced main procedure of genetic algorithm and improved method, which is efficient and practical by the computations of 10 kV distribution system.


