
    Investigation of work efficiency of high-power agricultural machinery and reasonable application pattern of tractor-implement units

    • 摘要: 为了科学管理、合理运用大功率农业机械,提高机组的作业效率,在调查测试播种和麦收作业的基础上,对测试机组分别进行了时间利用率和作业效率分析。结果表明:影响播种作业和小麦割晒作业时间利用率与总作业效率的主要因素分别是加种子肥料、故障维修和地头转向,个别机组存在动力匹配不合理的问题。根据调查和分析的结果,针对大功率农机作业中存在的问题提出了机组的合理运用模式。


      Abstract: In order to manage and operate the high-power agricultural machinery scientifically and properly and improve the work efficiency of the tractor-implement units, the authors analyze the time utilization and work efficiency of tested tractor-implement units based on surveying and testing sowing and harvesting of wheat. The results show that the main factors which influence the time utilization and total work efficiency of sowing and harvesting of wheat are to add seed and fertilizer, to eliminate trouble and field turning, and there exists unreasonable power matching for some tractor-implement units. According to the survey results, the authors bring up the proper pattern for reasonable application of high-power agricultural machinery.


