
    Development of biodegradable all-starch thermoplastics

    • 摘要: 天然淀粉不具有热塑性,无法在塑料机械中进行加工,要使其具有热塑性就必须使其分子结构无序化。该文应用两步法使其增塑后,使淀粉具备了热塑性加工的可能性。以热塑性淀粉为主制备了全淀粉可生物降解塑料,并进行了性能测试和表征,其成本较低且产品性能良好,具有广阔的应用前景。


      Abstract: Natural starch did not possess the characteristic of thermoplasticity and could not be processed in plastics machine. The molecular structure must be disordered in order be thermoplastical. After plasticized by two-step approach it possessed the probability of thermoplastic process of starch. Biodegrable all-starch thermoplastics were made of thermoplastic starch as the main raw material. And the performance testing and characterization were carried out. It has broad application prospects due to its low cost and good performance.


