
    Preparation of complex microbial adsorbent for deodorization and its application to deodorization

    • 摘要: 为保护畜禽养殖场周围的空气质量,控制臭气是养殖业必须要解决的基本问题。从养猪场土壤中分离出具有除臭效能的微生物菌株3株:巨大芽孢杆菌CCW-Y1菌株、灰色链霉菌CCW-Y2菌株、热带假丝酵母CCW-Y3菌株。以米糠和陶瓷粒为吸附剂载体,与3株微生物菌株的混合培养液混合,制成复合微生物吸附除臭剂,载体上的生物量以4.50~6.05 g/kg为好。复合微生物吸附除臭剂载体上微生物干细胞5.36 g/kg对猪粪、鸡粪和牛粪中NH3、臭气的去除率可达80%以上,H2S的去除率达65%以上。将此除臭剂放置在底部透气的扁平铁丝盘中,悬挂于猪舍和猪粪堆肥场上方进行除臭试验,结果表明猪舍内NH3、H2S和恶臭浓度分别降低了78.4%、66.7%和83.3%。猪粪堆肥场内NH3、H2S和恶臭浓度分别降低了84.4%、62.1%和88.5%。该除臭剂的有效除臭时间比普通吸附除臭剂长,对生猪的生长没有产生负面影响。


      Abstract: To protect air quality in the neighboring communities of livestock and poultry farms, odor control must be considered as an essential part of managing livestock facilities. Bacillus megaterium CCW-Y1, Streptomyces griseus CCW-Y2 and Candida tripicalis CCW-Y3 were screened from the soil of a piggery, which were effective for deodorization of odor pollutant in the livestock and poultry farms. The hull of rice and ceramic particle were selected as the carrier. The complex microbial adsorbent was prepared when mixed culture of these three microorganisms was combined with the carrier. The biomass in the carrier was 4.50~6.05 g/kg. The lab test showed that the complex microbial adsorbent could reduce ammonia concentration and odor intensity by more than 80%, reduce hydrogen sulfide concentration by more than 65% in swine, chicken and cattle manure. The complex microbial adsorbent was placed in the flat tray, which was hung in the piggery and compost field for deodorization test. The results showed that the concentrations of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and odor were reduced by 78.4%, 66.7% and 83.3%, respectively in the piggery; and they were reduced by 84.4%, 62.1% and 88.5%, respectively in the compost field. The effective time of complex microbial adsorbent is longer than that of common adsorbent, and the pigs are all normal during the test.


